20+ Natural Medicinal Herbs for Gout

20+ Natural Medicinal Herbs for Gout
20+ Natural Medicinal Herbs for Gout - everinsta.com

20+Natural Medicinal Herbs for Gout

Gout can be classified as a form of arthritis that causes severe pain in the joints. Gout is a result of excessive uric acid in the blood. This uric acid solidifies to form tiny crystal like particles. These crystals are formed in and around the joints which causes lot of discomfort and pain.
The common joints that are affected by gout are hands, wrist, fingers, knees, ankles and feet. Excessive intake of vitamin B3 or Niacin also results in Gout. Males are more prone to this disease. In case of females, the occurrence of Gout is seen mostly after menopause.

Causes of Gout

Excessive alcohol consumption
Soft drinks rich in fructose
Diseases of bone marrow
Dairy products
Kidney disorders
Vascular diseases
Excessive consumption of fish and meat
Physical trauma
Excessive weight loss
Excessive usage of diuretics, aspirin or niacin
Joint pain
Skin redness
Nodules in the elbow, hands or ears
Inflammation of joints
Persistent discomfort

 Natural Herbal Remedies For Gout

Before the invention of modern medicine, people used to find solution for all their health issues with the help of plants and herbs found in nature. These natural remedies were not only effective but also safe and secure. Listed below are some of the best natural remedies for treating gout.

1.    Ginger
Ginger is a popular home remedy that has many uses.
Experiments have proved that ginger is also helpful in relieving the symptoms of gout.
You can either consume ginger by adding it to your regular food. You can use it as an additive while preparing special cuisines.
Many people make ginger tea in which ginger roots are boiled along with the tea leaves.
For quick relief from joint pains you can apply some paste of ginger root on the painful areas.

2.    Apple
Apple is a great fruit for curing the symptoms of gout. Regular intake of apple can definitely help you in dealing with your gout.

3.    Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is a proven medicine for curing gout. You can dilute a tablespoon of ACV in a glassful of water and have it on a daily basis.

4.    Baking Soda
A spoonful of baking soda mixed in water can relieve the symptoms of gout. However, people with hypertension should avoid this remedy.

5.    Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is an effective and simple remedy for getting relief from gout symptoms.
Mix the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and have it. Repeat it three times in a day and watch the difference.
Alternatively, you can mix baking soda (½ tablespoon) in to this lemon juice and have it.

6.    Banana
Banana is a rich source of Vitamin C. Eating bananas can help in curing the symptoms of gout. The rich contents of banana have the potential to dilute the crystals of uric acid into a liquid and thus help the body in eliminating it.

7.    Cherry
Cherry is an excellent solution for painful gout. Eat around 20 fresh cherries on a regular basis and watch the difference. Alternatively, you can also have a glass of cherry juice to get the same result.

8.    Cold Water
For immediate relief from joint pain you can apply ice onto your joints.
However, note that you should not expose the joints to direct ice. This is not a good idea. You should wrap the ice in a thick towel and place it against the painful areas for around 10 minutes. This will reduce the pain and swelling.
Instead of ice you can also use cold water. This is especially good in reducing the pain in the foot joints.

9.    Epsom Salt
Bathing in warm water mixed with Epsom salt can reduce the pain and discomfort caused by gout. You should mix around 2 cups of Epsom salt to get the desired effect. Repeat this 2 to 3 times in a week.

10.    Charcoal Powder
Bathing in warm water mixed with charcoal powder can help in relieving the symptoms of gout. This is quite an effective remedy. Note that you should mix a paste of charcoal into your bathing water and allow the paste to spread evenly.
You can even consume a bit of activated charcoal to get relief from acute pain. However, note that the quantity should be very less.

11.    Pineapple
Eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice can help in curing the symptoms of gout.

12.    Water
Drink lots of water. If you are well hydrated, your gout symptoms will not exacerbate.

13.    Grapes
Grapes are an amazing remedy for gout.

14.    Hydrotherapy
Bathing in warm water can help you in relaxing your joints and muscles. This can relieve the pain temporarily.

15.    Juniper Oil
Applying juniper oil can heal the symptoms of gout.

16.    Devil’s Claw
Devils claw was used in traditional medicine to heal pains and aches. It has also been found effective in treating gout. Note that this remedy should be avoided in case of people suffering from diseases of blood like diabetes.

17.    Elm Leaf Tea
Elm leaf tea is a quick remedy for acute gout pain.

18.    Safflower
You can heal your gout symptoms by take a safflower capsule. Safflower has been found effective in healing gout.

19.    French Beans
Regular intake of French beans juice for about a month can help you in recovering from gout.

20.    Honey
A mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar can help in curing gout. This mixture should be taken two times in a day.

21.    Mustard
Mustard has a soothing effect on our nerves. Apply a paste of mustard powder and wheat powder on the affected areas. Leave it overnight and you will experience quick relief from your symptoms.

22.    Juices
Take a mixed juice of cucumber, beet root and carrot. Theses vegetables have the potential to cure the symptoms of gout.

23.    Castor Oil
Applying warm castor oil onto the joints can reduce the pain.

Steps For Preventing Gout

Drink more water
Balanced diet
Start taking fruit and vegetable juices
Avoid alcohol
Reduce excess weight
Avoid foodstuffs that contain purine. Red meat, tofu, fish are some of the best examples.
Eat fruits rich in vitamin C and potassium like oranges, bananas and apples.
Drink lemon juice after meals
Avoid diuretics
Avoid fructose-rich soft drinks
Drink low-fat milk
Eat salads and green vegetables.

Article Source: http://www.myhealthtips.in
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