Aceh Tsunami Museum

The Aceh Tsunami Museum, located in Banda AcehIndonesia, is a museum designed as a symbolic reminder of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster, as well as an educational center and an emergency disaster shelter in case the area is ever hit by a tsunami again.

The Aceh Tsunami Museum was designed by Indonesian architect (and future mayor of BandungRidwan Kamil. The museum is a 2,500 m2 four-story structure; its long curving walls covered in geometric reliefs. Inside, visitors enter through a dark, narrow corridor between two high walls of water — meant to recreate the noise and panic of the tsunami itself.

The museum walls are adorned with images of people performing the Saman dance, a symbolic gesture dedicated to the strength, discipline and religious beliefs of the Acehnese people. From above, the roof resembles a tsunami. The ground floor is modelled on the kind of traditional raised Acehnese houses that were best equipped to survive the tsunami.

The building acknowledges both the victims, whose names are to be inscribed on the wall of one of the museum’s internal chambers, and the surviving members of the local community.

In addition to its role as a memorial for those who died, the museum also offers a place of refuge from future such events, including an "escape hill" for visitors to run to in the event of another tsunami.

Exhibitions at the museum include an electronic simulation of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, in addition to photographs of victims and exhibits featuring stories from survivors of the disaster.

Adequate funding for the ongoing maintenance and use of the Aceh Tsunami Museum has not been forthcoming. The museum is one of a large number of so-called "tsunami assets", the precise legal ownership of which has been in dispute between different levels of Indonesian governments since at least 2009. As of late 2010, the Museum was only open intermittently and was poorly patronised.

Located at Jalan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh, the museum is open every day (except Friday) at 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. The style of this building is quite unique, it has stage house style or Rumah Panggung, and it resembles a ship with a chimney, when we see from far.

Inside the museum, you can find a narrow hallway with rumble noises waterwall on both sides as if to remind the enormity of the tsunami. Aceh Tsunami Museum displays an electronic simulation of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, the photographs of the victims and the stories of the survivors.

ACEH TSUNAMI MUSEUMThe model of the building is the result of contest winners, who is M.Ridwan Kamil (the Lecturer in Architecture from Bandung Institute of Technology) with the idea of building, is Rumoh Aceh as Escape Hill. The museum building plans are analogous to ocean wave’s tsunami epicenter. The traditional elements such as Tari Saman have been translated in the outer skin of the building exterior.

This Museum that was built with Rp 70 billion funds has 2 stairs, where the first floor is an open area that can be seen from the outside and its function as a place to commemorate the tsunami. On this floor there are several rooms that contain tsunami track record in 2004. There is tsunami showroom, pre-Tsunami, the day of the tsunami and post-tsunami space. Also, there are some pictures of tsunami, tsunami trace artifacts and dioramas displayed in this floor.

On the 2nd floor containing instructional media in the form of a library, props, space 4D, and a souvenir shop. Some props are displayed among other things; the design of earthquake-resistant buildings, as well as a model diagram of the earth fault. There are some facilities continue to be refined as space disaster painting, diorama, libraries, 4-dimensional space, as well as cafe.

The exterior of the museum is to express cultural diversity of Aceh with decorative ornament element of transparency such as bamboo weaving. The interior view will lead you to the contemplation of the devastating disaster suffered by the people of Aceh as well surrender and recognition of the strength and power of God.
Aceh Tsunami Museum was built on the initiative of several institutions like the Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of Aceh, the Government of Banda Aceh and the Indonesian Architects Association.

The museum was inaugurated in February 2008. The purpose of development in addition to the memory of the earthquake that led to the 2004 tsunami as well as well as being an educational center and as a center for evacuation if the tsunami comes again. At that time the tsunami in 2004 killed more than 120 thousand people, and becames the national tragedy of all time.


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