Adsense Rule Term and Condition

Adsense Rule Term and Condition
Read it below; Adsense TOS

Adsense Rule Term and Condition

Basically the web or blog within content is an amazing thing partly because of how easy it is to distribute stuff like post or whatever, because it's easy ometimes content gets copied copyright laws protect people who've spent time creating content.

Whatever its reason, for  a shining future we dont do copy all over the Web without permission, Copy paste is oke but with permission or labelled for legal re-use. 

so I'd like to explain in really simple terms Google policy on copyright infringement. The first thing you should know is that your site cannot display google ads alongside content that you don't legally own so unless you have the rights you can take something you don't own and place ads on or near it.

Number two you can't be sneaky and frame stuff from another site then place ads around it because this is known as now framing, when you place a web order on content you don't host clearly you can't place ads in this kind of environment.

Finally you can't place ads on pages that point or link to another site containing pirated content 

just remember if the content is it yours or you don't have permission to use it you can't monetize it with Google Ads in the spirit of creating unique and valuable content in the network I want everyone to succeed and keep working together.

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