10 best Google Adsense Alternatives for your blog

10 best Google Adsense Alternatives for your blog
10 best Google Adsense Alternatives for your blog - everinsta.com

“Your Google Adsense account has been disabled or temporarily banned”.

What a nice phrase on an email to start the day huh? Well, consider you’re not alone. Everyday, hundreds or thousands of accounts are being banned from Google’s Adsense program. Why? I can’t tell you specifically. Either there’s something wrong with the web you’re putting you ads on, or you just simply missed one rule from Google’s TOS.

Instead of crying or bashing Google in multiple forums (actually, this is a very bad idea), remember the world is not over yet, and there are plenty of alternatives out there to try. Google was just your first one, and you failed.

So, stand up, be proactive and act professional! There’s no time to lose. 

10 best Google Adsense Alternatives 

Here are some of the best Google Adsense Alternatives you can try to monetize your website without using Google Adsense, and I’ll tell you how they work and why you should consider them, so let’s start:

Amazon Associates
Yllix Media
Revenue Hits
Propeller Ads

What can I learn from this?

Life can be rude sometimes. You Google Adsense account could have been banned because you didn’t catch a rule from the TOS, or maybe it was a mistake, however, you can’t always rely only on 1 solution. The secret word here is to “diversify”. Try to have as many income streams as you can by adding and testing different ad services, and you’ll find your way to the top. Those Google Adsense alternatives will help you develop as an Internet Marketeer even more.

Even if your Google Adsense account was banned, this is not the end of the world. In fact, it’s only the beginning

Thanks for visit everinsta.com
Source: Stream-SEO

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