What is Ads Level Page on Google Adsense?

What is Ads Level Page on Google Adsense?
What is Ads Level Page on Google Adsense?

Hi there! Let we learn all about Ads Level Page on Google Adsense!

As you know page level ads are a new series of ads that focus on mobile traffic and visitor experience. They were designed to ensure users have a good experience, but your mobile site won't show them at all the time only when they are most valuable in. Therefore you must know more and more about ads level page. So, Your users could stay happy as long as they want and you could make more money.

There are currently two types of page level ads with more coming in the future; first his anger or overlays these stick to the edge of the user's screen and are easily dismissal they're also loaded separately in the background so they don't slow down your webpages.

The second tape of this ads is a mobile full-screen  ads that appear between page loads on your site and can be skipped by users at any time the next webpage is preloaded behind the ads so it's ready to go when the user dismisses the end these ads are in addition to your existing ads so don't worry about exceeding your ads per page limit.

Before we begin you need to log into your AdSense account,  you're just two steps away from getting started first only to turn on one or both formats then you'll need to place the ad code on your site,  let's turn on your first page level ads while logged in.

Visit tab in the sidebar select content then click page level ads on the page level ads page use the controls to select which ad formats you like to show on your site. Now it's time to place the code on your page, first click get code then copy and paste it in the head tag each page you like to show Piers level ads on

Remember these ads won't show all the time only when they are most valuable next just save your changes in the code and you're all set.

Now focus on your content to turn your passion into profit and let Adsense ads work for you!

thanks for visit everinsta.com

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