Signing up Google Adsense

Earn Money Online from Google Adsense
Earn Money Online from Google Adsense

Signing up Google Adsense 

Hi guys, the first thing of all is that you must be 18 years old of age or older. Next secondly in order for you to get paid anything you have to meet the threshold of one 100 $ one hundred dollars at least, so if your ads do not accumulate $100 you will not get paid that month and thirdly you get paid the month after you make the money. 

What I mean is if your ads make a hundred and twenty dollars in October you will not get paid that one hundred and twenty dollars until november. Oke next are a few more things that i want to tell you as we go forward but i did want to address those before we even get started. 

You have to have a gmail account to do this; go to gmail then go to the Adsense page home page then click on sign up (u must have a website or kinda blog with a high traffic and good content basically) Don’t forget while signing up tell a little information about your content - the primary site that you show ads on - , this is very important if you do this wrong you will not get approved. 

Now type that URL in - whatever your blog name is or whatever your youtube channel name is. if it was your YouTube channel you could go in and type in / what whatever youtube name is ok then you put that there. so obviously for example that i'm american mine's going to be English yours may be German, French, Chinese, whatever your native language is that you want your content to show ads with that's going to be what you want so for me it's going to be English. 

All right next you need to look at the google adsense terms and conditions this is very very important. As you know you cannot click on your own ads, or whatever to win something in a giveaway. So read all of these terms and conditions these are very important in their very crucial to your future and having a good healthy google adsense account. 

The last make sure you put your legal name under payee name and then your street address where you live your city or state zip code phone. Now once we've done this you will then see this blue button there that says submit my application so you click on that blue button there.

thanks for visit

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