How to increase your Blog visitors in 7 simple steps

How to increase your Blog visitors in 7 simple steps
How to increase your Blog visitors in 7 simple steps

How to increase your Blog visitors in 7 simple steps

Hi there - You probably know that visitors (also called traffic) determine the success of your blog. The more visitors, the more successful your blog which is characterized by increasing income or increasing the number of customers. 
Here 7 step you can do to achieve that; 

1. Evaluate the Blog speed
Evaluate the speed of your blog at Pingdom Speed Test Websites. If time to access them quickly, you can step up to the next way. Otherwise, look for the cause. If hosting the cause, move your blog to another hosting provider sooner. Keep in mind, the speed of your blog influence it the index rank in Google search results. Why? Because Google enter the speed of blog/website as one of the factors in the ranking algorithms.

2. create a quality post
The best way to increase traffic is to make quality posts. If you think it's hard to throw away such a presumption. You can easily create quality posts from your daily-diary-life experience.

3. create an interesting post title
The more interesting the title, the more curious people to read it. Otherwise, Your quality posts will be "lonely" because there is nothing to read.

4. Aiming for long tail keyword
You do not get visitors from major search keyword monthly? If Yes, change your strategy with the aim of words long tail keywords. This keyword is characterized by having 3 or more syllables with not many monthly searches (e.g. 100-500 searches). To find it, you can use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner.

By targeting the long tail keyword (LTK), theres a chances of your blog indexed at page 1 of Google Homepage. Why? Because many blogger targetting HPK (high paying keyword) with big CPC (cost per click) but they must compete each other in a large scale, in LTK you got low cost clik but with NO or low competitor. 

5. Interact with visitors
You should also interact with visitors. Try sometime with replying to comments or emails from visitors. the more they know you with interact each other the more they love and would visit you always. if u abandoned them, they will pay no visit back at you. thats consequent!

6. Use social media
Try to be active on social media, for example, on Facebook and Twitter. Update your 'what do you think' on both social media with Your postings included. The more postings you provide, the more Your friends also visit your blog. In addition, this activity will help you diversify the source of visitors so that not only relies on the search engines.

7. Commenting on the blogs of others well
The last step is commented on the blog-to the blog of someone else who had same niche topic with you. The goal is to draw attention to the blog owner and visitors to visit your blog. In addition, these activities will increase the number of backlinks to your blog, good dofollow or nofollow.

By knowing seven way above, you do not need to stress about increasing the traffic, just sit in front of your PC or laptop. All you need to do is consistently so that sooner or later your blog visitors increased. Trust me, it works!

thank for visiting

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