How to Increase Your Adsense Earning?

How to Increase Your Adsense Earning?
How to Increase Your Adsense Earning?

Increase Your Adsense Earning With a High Paying Keyword

Well, Lets discuss about HPK (High Paying Keyword) Google Adsense, one of important part in increasing adsense earnings. I'm going to draw the illustrations in a simple course.

High paying keywords (HPK) is a keyword that has a value of CPC (Cost Per Click/cost-per-click). The height given by the advertiser or the Advertiser's usual call. We can use some tools for finding high paying keywords, some popular tools that are already used by blog or web owner is is SEMRush or Wordtracker. but all of that paid on average.

We can use the free tool such as Google's Keyword Planner Tool; provides a planner, various criteria data for each keyword, such as competition, search volume, advertisers expect the cost per click (Adwords ads). Not all criteria are displayed by default, but we have the choice to change the criteria (filter)  

Why is it high paying keyword analysis important?

Back to the original question, why your adsense earnings is small and likely not increasing? one of the factors is not applying the use of high paying keyword. 

What is a high paying keywords in adsense?

High paying keywords are keywords that much in fighting for, because of the value or the price is very high, in the logic of competition level became higher, because many web or blog targeted high paying keywords in order to  increase the google adsense revenue. This is rational, because competition in advertising products also apply to the advertiser (advertiser), finally to all publisher.

With the analyze and find out the level of competition, we still have the opportunity to apply the high paying keywords into an article or blog post.

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